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Tachyons are the first subatomic particles/waveforms that are created when zero point energy manifests itself into time and space continuum.

Tachyons are not subjected to gravity, electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force. The only force that influences them is strong nuclear force in atomic nuclei. That is why usual matter is transparent for tachyons. The only thing that can interact with tachyons are atomic nuclei or more precisely gluons within atomic nuclei.

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Gluons are subatomic particles that glue together the quarks in atomic nucleus. When interaction between  tachyon and gluon occurs, the cumulative entropy of gluon decreases, gluon changes some quantum characteristics and matter around it becomes more responsive to force of negative entropy. So tachyons cause quantum transformation of matter.

Tachyons are the most influential on the scale of basic structure of space. Quantum fluctuation, or quantum foam as it is called, is the basic waveform, the fabric that creates space.

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